One of the tasks that we have to do as mommies is to change diapers, and you need to do it at least 5 times during the day, from the moment the baby is born. So you have to implement a routine that works for your baby, and by routine I mean a process, not that you have to do the same thing all the times, as your baby grows you need to make some changes to the process.

A lot of mommies suffer because their babies cry a lot during the diaper change, and they both end up being so stressed. So here are some of the things that have worked for me in order to avoid that.

Be Prepared

First of all you have to be ready for changing him/her, meaning you have to have your diapers, wipers and clothing handy. Make sure the changing table is comfortable and set, and the room is not to cold or hot.


Once you pick them up, start by telling your baby before why you are picking him/her up.

Talk to them through the process, explain them what are you doing and don’t forget to make eye contact, this will show them that you are making a good for them and that you respect them.


Choose a song that they like and sing it to them. Babies get bored as the time passes by, so try to keep up with him/her and sing the song that he/she likes at the moment. You can use songs that use hands like “1 little, 2 little, 3 little fingers…”, songs that makes them laugh or clap.


Once he starts rolling and crawling you will need them to stay face up, so you can put some stickers or even a mirror sticker in the nearest wall to his/her changing table or the ceiling, so they can draw their attention to something that is above them and avoid them turn on their belly.

Keep them busy

Always keep a toy o new and interesting object for them when they get to the changing table, so they start playing or analyzing it and keep them distracted from the real thing. It is important to mention that you need to make sure that the toy/object that you are giving them is a safe one, meaning that you have to consider that it might be dropped from his/her little hands and hurt him/her if it is not soft or light.

Show them Love

Try not to do faces or making them feel bad about their dirty diaper, remember they are always looking at your actions and observing you carefully.

And please don’t fight them, or force them because they will remember it and they will repeat the same drama the next time, don’t make them cry inconsolably, if they do, pick them up and try to distract them first before you put them again on the changing table.

Good luck with your babies and comment below which experiences have worked for you best!